Elixir de la vida - Elixír života / 189 Kč
4 cl Capitan Bucanero Elixír 7 Aňos
2 cl Praline sirup
2 cl Lemon fresh
5 cl Apple juice
Dried apple with cinnamon
Café del comandante - Velitelova káva / 289 Kč
4 cl Havana Club Añejo 7 Años
4 cl Coffee from Sofee
2 cl Pineapple puree
1 cl Salted caramel sirup
Dried pineapple
Piňa roja - Červený ananas / 289 Kč
5 cl Havana Club Añejo 7 Años
2 cl Dubonet
1 cl Pineapple puree
2 cl Rhubarb puree
1 dsh Grenadine
Pineapple, cocktail cherry
Sueňo para ti - Sen pro tebe / 189 Kč
4 cl Diplomatico Mantuano
2 bs Cranberry marmalade
2 cl Lemon fresh
Top up Tonic
Dried lime and Mint
Cigarro en llamas - Hořící doutník /289 Kč
5cl Mount Gay X.O.
2 cl Lapsang sirup
2 dsh Chocolate bitters
Orange peel
El último té - Poslední čaj - 189 Kč
4 cl Jameson Black Barrel
2 cl Rooibos sirup
2 cl Balsamico fig
Top up tonic
Lemon peel and herb
Centeno sangriento - Krvavé žito / 289 Kč
5 cl Bulleit Rye
2 cl Raspberry purre
2 cl Falernum sirup
1 cl Lemon fresh
Top up Ginger bear
Ginger, mint, lime
Pink Swizzle / 189 Kč
5 cl Tanqueray
3 cl Lemon fresh
3 cl Pineapple juice
1 cl Orgeat sirup
2 dsh Peychaud's bitters
Cocktail cherry
Rosemary julep / 189 Kč
5 cl Beefeather
6 cl Crenberry juice
Top up Soda water
Fresh lime
2 cl Lime juice
Fresh rosemary
Cane brown sugar
Coa punch / 289 Kč
5 cl Mezcal Gusano Rojo
2 cl Rake purre
2 cl Lemon fresh
1 cl Agave sirup
Fresh Thyme